I will study while others are sleeping, work while others are loafing, prepare while others are playing and dream while others are wishing

Studying is the way most students learn. However, there is a huge difference between going through the motions of reading and effective studying.
Even though there is no real scientific consensus on learning styles because different people learn in different ways, our program helps the student to:

  1. determine the type of learner that he/she is
  2. determine their learning temperament
  3. determine what motivates them to study

We also teach them

  1. How to make study schedules and stick to them
  2. image2Why they need a schedule
  3. Different approaches to objective tests and subjective tests
  4. How to write reports, papers and themes
  5. How and when to gather material from some of the most effective search engines
  6. How to prepare outlines
  7. How to write revise, and review their work
  8. Thinking skills
  9. SQ3R method
  10. How to read
  11. When to study
  12. Study breaks and memory dumps
  13. How to deal with exam/test anxiety