Author: Chiadi Ndu

Quality and Quantity Sleep

QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF SLEEP Sleep is an amazing ‘nourishment ‘ for the body and mind. Quality sleep is essential for a balanced and healthy life. During sleep, the body rests, cleanses and purifies itself. This explains why lack of sleep increases the risk of poor health … making one more prone to stress.…

Stress and Sleep

STRESS AND SLEEP One of the biggest factors affecting our sleep is STRESS.  Stress has a way of eating deep into our system, causing changes in our physical and mental health as well as negatively affecting the dynamics and quality of our sleep. Quality sleep is essential for a balanced…

Stress Related Un-forgiveness

Stress related Un-forgiveness As discussed in our previous months’ newsletters, stress poses a lot of health risks. Chronic stress has severe consequences because it can adversely affect an individual’s physical and mental wellbeing. A stressor that is most often overlooked is ‘Un’-forgiveness… the harbouring of offenses. It can also be…

You are what you Eat

Welcome  to the second half of this year. How have the past 6months been? How well have you been able to manage your stress level? Most people ping-pong between feeling ‘wired’ and ‘tired’ because they live under a lot of stress. When stressed, the body responds in ways that are…

Time and Goal Management Top of the day to you, It is no longer unusual to hear about an apparently healthy individual who suddenly wobbled, fell down and then died. In this season  ‘slumping’ seems to be trending and stress is a major reason. Knowing what gets you stressed up, understanding…


THE DARK THAT BECKONS Most people are currently feigning strength and wearing masks. Very few are strong enough to admit their anxieties, fears and weaknesses.  Phrases like “Are you the only one…” “Is your case the worst?” “Do not wear your problems on your forehead?” resonates.  If you come from the  same part…

Coping with Stress

It’s already a month since our last newsletter. It went pretty fast especially with all the love in the air. We hope you had a fabulous season of love but I wonder …  was it also stress- free? Even fun things can become stressors too, you know. Most people wear the “SO-BUSY” badge of honour with…