A young adult is an awkward individual experiencing a lot of changes especially in his physical development. Accompanying this physical growth and development are the emotional and psychological issues that the adolescent will have to face.

It is a pleasure to give adolescents counsel, humiliating to them to need it and normal for them to ignore it.

It is also a stage of continuous brain development. According to research, the brain has not reached its full development until late adolescence and this explains why adolescents are impulsive and are often not able to control their emotions. The neurons that influence and affect the physical, mental and emotional abilities are not yet fully complete so they generally do not have the knowledge to make appropriate or mature decisions in all areas of life. Despite this limitation, most adolescents push for autonomy and responsibility.

This often puzzles and annoys many parents and care-givers because it is difficult to balance relinquishing control in some areas and continuing to guide in other areas where the adolescents knowledge is limited. Even though this balance is very difficult to achieve, yet it is compulsory because it facilitates their social competence and well- being.

This period of transition from a child to an adult seeking to fulfill his personal goals and his future role in life is a delicate and sensitive period for most people especially because conformity to peer pressure is at its peak.

Bearing in mind the sensitivity of this stage of development and transition,BTH Integrated Wellness and Therapy aims to help adolescents through counselling, workshop/ seminars and interactive sessions :

    1. To firmly believe in certain values and principles and to be ready to defend them even when finding opposition.
    2. To be able and secure enough to modify these same values in the light of experience.
    3. To be able to act according to what they think is the best choice, trusting their own judgments and not feeling guilty even when others do not like their choices.
    4. To learn not to lose time worrying excessively about what has happened in the past or what could happen in the future but to learn from the past, plan for the future but live intensely in the present.
    5. To fully trust their capacity to solve problems , not hesitating after failures or difficulties nor hesitating to ask others for help when they need it.
    6. To consider themselves equal in dignity to others rather than inferior or superior
    7. To accept individual differences in certain talents , personality traits as well as social and financial standing
    8. To be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others, respect rules and claim no right to prosper at others expense
    9. To resist manipulation and collaborate with others only when it appropriate and effective
    10. To admit and accept different internal feelings and struggles, whether negative or positive, in order to be able to confront and conquer where necessary
    11. To be able to take it for granted that they are valuable and important especially to those with whom they have a relationship

To be able to enjoy a great variety of activity and life experiences.