Dr. Otefe Edebi

Dr. Otefe Edebi

  • Position: Psychologist
  • Experience: Professional
  • Location: Lagos, Nigeria
  • Email: ask@bththerapy.com
  • Phone: 0909 040 9229

Review Psychologist

Personal Experience & Biography

Dr. Otefe Edebi is a seasoned psychiatrist and Psychologist with over a decade’s experience in mental health practice, hospital facility management, sales & marketing strategy and leadership of both clinical and operational teams with diversity across gender, age, disciplines and nationalities. 

His experience in mental health practice has extended beyond individuals and communities to indigenous and international corporate organizations therefore providing him with extensive data which he has interpreted for research and development of mental health protocols, differentiated interventions and programs for these organizations, communities and individuals. 
He is a thought leader and has been part of a few number of national mental health related events. Over the years, he has been extensively recognized and awarded on several media and social platforms. He is the recipient of the 2017 PSR Development in Nigeria Merit Award (DINMA) for his contributions to the development of private psychiatry practice in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 
He is a graduate of University of Benin, hold’s a master’s degree from the University of Lagos, a fellow of the faculty of Psychiatry of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and an Alumnus of the Health Management Program organized by the EDC at the Lagos Business School.
He was the pioneer Medical Director of TQ Behavioral Health Ltd, the Nigerian Operation of GenPsych’s Tranquil & Quest International: an American based Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehab Centre with Head office in New Jersey, USA. 
He is the Medical director of Gracehill Place Hospital one of Nigeria’s indigenous leading private mental health and substance abuse treatment facility. He is the visionary and co-founder of Gracehill Healthy Minds Initiative Foundation an NGO that lends its voice to the awareness, advocacy and support for emotional health and substance abuse related issues.
He is happily married and has two children.




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