Year: <span>2014</span>


I am not a keen television watcher but I am unable to resist the programme called “Snapped”on the Crime and Investigation Network. It is a programme about women who kill. The sultry voice of the announcer would usually ask,“How do life-givers (women) suddenly become life-takers?”I havealso found that question intriguing…


1. THE MYTH: Love demands that I give up my interests, my desires and my values and adopt my partner’s own. THE BUSTER: If you lose your identity your partner will lose interest in you 2. THE MYTH: I shouldn’t have to tell my partner what I want; if they…


I am a firm believer that there aren’t many bad people on this our earth- just bad behaviour. As a result of this I am usually very empathetic and I try not to judge people harshly. I know that most individuals have learnt their behaviour because it seemed to be…